Surprise Pin-up Photographs

Sometimes a photo shoot has a change in plans. As a photographer I need to be ready to adapt to whatever happens. From bad weather to equipment problems, there are always surprises.

This week on of the pleasant surprise is when Amber came into the studio to shoot. She was showing me her lingerie and said that the one outfit was very retro. My eye immediately saw pin-up for the outfit and asked her if she would like to do some classic pin-up with it, that ended up being as sexy as sites like

Amber jumped at the chance. She hadn’t even considered doing any pin-up photography for her shoot before, but now she was excited by the idea.

Retro lingerie creates perfect pin-up for amber by Phoenix photographer, Orcatek.

She loved the final shot and everyone she showed it to told her it was one of their favorites.

Valentines Day is approaching

With the approach of Valentines day I am being kept busy with boudoir photography. After all, it does make a great gift for Valentines day. Along with the standard Roses for Valentine’s day delivery, never look past the power that photography can have as a gift.

Sexy intimate boudoir photo for valentines day by  boudoir photographer, Orcatek in Phoenix, Arizona.

Still getting a lot of maternity clients too. It seems pregnancy photos are hot this time of year.

And I have also a few of my maternity clients returning to get photos of their newborn babies.

It has been a great week to be a photographer, as I have had some amazing clients.

Just starting to catch up

The holidays were very busy and I finally have managed to get caught up and take some time to update my blog.  I’ve gotten a lot of messages from client s telling me how much their loved ones all loved the photographs.

This week I did get a chance to create some boudoir photographs.   I decided to end the shoot with some shoots using water.   Water can help to create a very sexy look.   As I think you will see in this sample from the shoot.

Jenni Lee wearing a wet shirt by Boudoir photographer Orcatek in Phoenix

It is already time to start thinking about getting your Valentines Day boudoir images shot.  So I will be getting busy again.

Maternity was the theme this week

As I mentioned last week, this December has been packed with maternity photography clients.  Each one has been so much fun to work with.  The excitement of a new baby coming into a family is a wonderful thing to share.

Of course I always provide the standard pregnancy photos, but I love it when I can create a unique set of maternity images for a client that they couldn’t get anyplace else.  One of my clients was really into this idea and got an amazing selection of images.  This is one of my favorites.

Looking down on a 9 month pregnant back bend by Phoenix maternity photographer, Orcatek

A few lighting tricks to create this spotlight effect created this shadow.  Amazing flexibility for someone who is 9 months pregnant.  This is the kind of fun I love to have as a photographer.

In between these photo sessions I have been swamped with students taking private photography lessons.   It seems a lot of people want to learn how to take better photos for the holidays and like the idea of a private class on how to use their camera.   I enjoy teaching these budding photographers a few tricks of the trade to help them make their photos better.

I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday season.

Busy, but fun week

This time of year the studio gets very busy.   Of course boudoir photography clients lead the requests this time of year, a surprising number of maternity clients having been booking for December.   Each day seems to hold a new surprise.

Saturday I shots some behind the scenes shots of K. T Cools new music video.  Great song and a great group of people on the set.  Everyone was great to work with.  I also helped them get some models for the video.   Here is a quick shot of K. T Cool.

K. T Cool musician portrait shot by Phoenix photographer, Orcatek

With the holiday’s getting close, a lot of gift certificates are being purchased for photo sessions and photography classes.

Keep it safe this holiday season.

E-mail me at [email protected] to get coupons just in time for the holidays!

Holiday’s are upon us

Sexy Christmas photo of gal in Santa hat with red boa by Phoenix Boudoir Photographer Orcatek

Holiday season is a time photographs. Family portraits are created for Christmas cards to send to everyone. We want to share the changes in our family over the past year. Maybe there is a new addition or maybe everyone just a year old and better looking!

Of course there is one of the favorite gifts, sexy boudoir photographs. Read more about how boudoir makes a great gift here.

Another popular gift is photography lessons. Maybe they are getting a new camera, and maybe they just want to learn to take better pictures.

People aren’t just getting cameras as gifts now; the world is becoming more modern! With things like 360-degree cameras now available, that can capture a whole 360 angle instead of just one, normal cameras run the risk of becoming outdated (although, as bloggers like Jazz Ukes point out, some cameras will always have their specific purposes). Would you rather just one angle or a 360 angle of beautiful scenery on holiday? A 360 camera would be perfect for someone who goes traveling a lot, or someone who always finds themselves in scenic spots. Whatever the situation, before investing in one you should read up on the best 360 camera available to make your purchase that little bit easier.

Of course if you know someone who is expecting, a gift certificate for a maternity photo session is a great gift idea too.

E-mail me at [email protected] to get coupons just in time for the holidays!

Pin-up was the theme this week

The theme this week was pin-up.  It seems that pin-up photographs may over take boudoir photos as the leading gift for this holiday season.  It is easy to see why when you look at how fun these photos can be.

Pin-up girl on pink heart background by phoenix photographer Orcatek

Let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to get a fun pin-up art piece of the woman they love.

Family portraits are also very popular for the holidays.  Families come together and it is the prefect time to get some photos of everyone.   You never know what is going to happen.

E-mail me at [email protected] to get coupons just in time for the holidays!

What a fun week

I had an amazing array of clients over the past week.  I have numerous students take private photography lessons.   I really enjoying helping other photographers develop their photography skills.

An old friend from high school need senior portraits for her daughter.  We did a mix of location and studio shots.  It was fun to catch up while her daughter was changing outfits.

Outdoor senior portrait

Also this week a shot a great deal time enjoying time as a pin-up photographer.   Pin-up is always a lot of fun for everyone involved.  Lots of laughing going on as we try to capture those flirty looks of classic pin-up.

Sexy cook checking recipe in here cookbook in this retro pin-up art © Orcatek Photography - Phoenix

I take the base photo from the shoot and convert it to an pin-up illustration using way too many steps in Photoshop.  I like the end result, so I will keep doing it.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.   I know I ate too much.

E-mail me at [email protected] to get coupons just in time for the holidays!

The Magic of Retouching

An example of portrait and headhshot retouching by phoenix photographer, Orcatek.Most high end photography today is retouched.  The amount of retouching I do really depends on the type of photograph.  For example an actor’s headshot will get a retouch which just does a basic clean-up.  An actor needs to look like their headshot when they come to the casting.

Now for family and senior portraits the retouching can be a little bit heavier.  Some extra polish on the skin, removal of scars and softening of lines.

Of course the most retouching can be done for boudoir photos.   These photos are about fantasy and glamour.  So super smooth skin and even sometimes some digital plastic surgery all in line with creating that final look.

Great retouching makes the difference between a snapshot and a photograph.   Today retouching is done in Photoshop.   In the past it was done in the dark room.  Hollywood had teams of retouchers that would hand alter negatives of the stars to create the famous glamour photos.

Sexy boots in the boudoir

Ladies, guys like boots on you. Short boots, cowboy boots or most any other boot. So if you have some, be sure to bring them to your boudoir photography session. Men love a woman with power behind her steps. A woman that makes an entrance always gets a man’s attention. Those sexy boots tell a man that she knows what she wants and she will take it when she is ready. That authority draws men in and there is nothing they can do about it. The images you can capture in boots are breathtaking, you can see some sexy examples of boots being used at websites similar to to get a feel for the impact boots can have. There are so many creative ways that we can work with them to create some really sexy images just for him. This is just one example.

Sitting in sexy boots for this implied nude image by Phoenix boudoir photographer - Orcatek.

Of course boots are just one of the many ideas for creating those tastefully exciting photos. When you schedule your appointment we will chat about how to make your photos personalized just for him.

Of course boots were not the only thing that I had the opportunity to shoot this week. I did some senior portraits which are always fun. Capturing all the special times in turning point of their lives.

And some aspiring actors got new headshots, future moms got their maternity photos taken and a great car was brought by for some automotive photography magic.

E-mail me at [email protected] to get coupons just in time for the holidays!


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