Digital in the Studio

This week I had the chance to work with a wide variety of clients, with all different needs.   They all had one thing in common though; they wanted to look great and were nervous about getting their picture done.


The advantage of using a digital camera quickly becomes obvious.  There are several major benefits to using a digital camera.  It becomes a valuable tool in putting a client at ease.


First with the instant feed back you can show them instant feedback from the rear of the camera as to what the shots are looking like.  Clients what to know that they are “doing it right” when giving them direction.  By showing how good the photography looks, they can relax and make the pictures even better.


Second it allows for proofing during a shoot.  When shooting a head shot I will shoot in batches.   Shoot a batch review on a computer to either select a shot, or use as a point of discussion to discover what they like and tune the shoot to get the shot they desire.  Very often when the client sees the shots on the computer they find that they like a pose that they had never considered.


And of course digital allows for quick deletion of those really bad shots where clients blink or anything else.   This gives the client a much better set of proofs from which to select their photographs.


Lastly digital allows the photographer to capture more frames.  The cost per frame is much lower than film.  I find photographers in the digital age more willing to experiment, knowing that it is very cheap to do so. 


I know digital has made my clients happier, and it has made me more productive.   


Orcatek Photography – Phoenix

The Rush for Valentines Boudoir

What a week.  Valentines Day is rapidly approaching and I have so many boudoir and glamour sets to edit and print for a wonderful bunch of clients.  The shoots are always fun and always different as each person has their own personality we work to bring through during the shoot.


I had special requests this year for cars, motorcycles, cigars, feet, guns, basketballs, poker, flowers, balloons, candy and groups to name a few.  It was always interesting and sometimes challenging, but always fun.  Making the photographs look sexy without looking trashy is what creates images that are fun to show off.

Cigar Boudoir 

This year I had more clients bring in samples of what they would like to have done.  This always helpful as it lets me get a feeling for their style.   Sometimes they are pages from magazines, but more often it is images they have found on the web.  These sample photographs give ideas where to go with their shoot.  Do they prefer B&W or lots of shadows or maybe some high-key photographs.


I have my own sample book of boudoir and glamour photographs that I have at the shoots to let them look through if they do not bring any samples.  It is interesting as during the shoot as they relax they often ask for some styles that they had not mentioned before.  Digital cameras allow them to see what they are looking like and they realize that I will make them look great in photographs they didn’t think they could do.


I better get back to sorting out the proofs, deleting the blinks and other odd photographs and send them off to the client.


Orcatek Boudoir and Glamour Photography – Phoenix.

The Implied Nude

The implied nude image is very popular in today’s boudoir photography.  The image by definition does not show body parts that would be considered part of a nude image.  These photographs allow the client to appear very sexy while remaining modest.  It creates a photograph they could “show their mother.”


There is a art to creating the this look, and the photographer should be aware of the variety of ways to create this look.  The primary methods are props, poses, shadows and Photoshop.  Sometimes a combination is used to create that perfect photograph.

Implied Nude 

The easiest way is through the use of props.  A perfect example was the recent issue of GQ where Jennifer Aniston used a men’s tie to cover her body.   A sheet is often used, held to cover key areas, yet exposing as much as possible.  In my studio I often use a simple wooden chair, where careful posing can hide the few key inches here and there.


Poses are where a photographer’s skill comes more into the mix.  For a great image, it really needs to look as if the pose was not trying to hide body parts, but the hiding was merely incidental.  The typical example of a “bad” image is the hands grabbing the chest to hide it.  A draped arm like is this sample covers the body, yet remains classy.


Shadows are the most difficult method for a photographer to master.  Understanding exactly how the light will fall is key to success.  I prefer to work with modeling lights when possible to allow me to more easily visualize how the shadows fall so I can fine tune the pose and the light placement.  Other times I go from experience in environments where this level of control is not possible. 


Finally I include Photoshop.  Typically this is used to remove a thong strap from a photograph for the client to create the look while allowing their modesty during the shoot.  Many women, who are comfortable being topless at a photo shoot, do not want to be totally nude.  With the use of Photoshop they can still get the photographs they want to have created and be within their comfort zone.


It is pretty easy to see how a combination of these methods can be used to create a greater variety of options for implied nude photographs.  Most of my images usually use a combination of methods, allowing me to make sure there is something unique for each client.


Boudoir clients often want to be very sexy, yet still be conservative.  Implied nudes fill that need making them a great addition to boudoir and glamour photographer’s bag of tricks.


Orcatek Boudoir and Glamour Photography – Phoenix

Canon 50D does Barrett-Jackson

I love January in Phoenix as it is the time of year when all the car auctions come to town.  I enjoy the opportunity to see so many wonderful cars all gathered in one location.  Last week I spent some time at Barrett-Jackson with my Canon 50D.


The lighting is all over the board at these auctions – full sun, open shade, tungsten, and mixed.  I knew this would give the 50D a good chance to be tested.  I had done some shooting with it outdoors and in studio, so I knew it worked well in these environments, but the indoor shots with random lighting seemed like it would be a challenge.


With prior cameras I would just crank up the ISO and shoot in AV mode keeping an eye on the shutter speed vs the focal length, tweaking the ISO where I could get away with it.  The 50D now has an auto mode for ISO that I decided to get a test shooting the stage.  As the cars move across the stage the lighting varies dramatically, and I wanted to get the cars in the clear, so I there was no one spot that they could be shot.


And not being a bidder, this meant I had to shoot from the cheap seats, so flash was out of the question.  So I decided to switch the ISO to auto and see how the camera behaved.  The ISO swung from 400 to 1250 depending on where I had the camera pointed and what aperture I selected.  It kept the shutter speed within acceptable hand holding for the focal and length and never seemed to falter.


Upon reviewing the shots I was quite pleased with the results.  Even though the noise level is acceptable for this type of work at the highest range the camera selected, it was nice to have even cleaner shots available when the light was better.   I can really see where this feature can come in handy and why the Nikon users have always spoken so highly about the usefulness of this setting.

Auto ISO put to the test





Auto-focus is also something I got a chance to test under the poor lighting and the 50D did great.  I was very happy to see that it locked quickly and accurately under some tough conditions.  The images were focused correctly and the camera only hunted when it faced the toughest targets where there was no contract to be seen.  Experience has taught me to just focus on an edge and then recompose to the low contrast area as needed.


I will feel quite comfortable using the Canon 50D for this type of event in the future.  Next week I hope to spend some time with my 5DII in the studio.


Orcatek Photograrphy – Phoenix

Imaging USA in Phoenix

Once again it was time for the Professional Photographers Association (PPA) to have their annual conference Imagine USA. The event was held here in Phoenix this year and it gave me a chance to try out our no light rail system from Valley Metro.

The light rail was easy to use and full, but not crowded during the times I traveled. They did check my ticket on two occasions during the convention. If I had to travel to Phoenix on a daily basis I could easily see using this. Wish the voters had approved it back in the ‘80s. Now we would have a great system instead of the limited line we have now.

The convention was great as usual. For those who haven’t been before it consists of a tradeshow where you can see all the latest and greatest products. And a series of seminars/classes were you can learn from the best in the industry.

I was very impressed by many of the presentations I saw at the tradeshow, and was taken aback by some of the displays I saw. If you are looking to impress at a tradeshow with a quality display for your presentation, it may be worth checking out something like Exponents 20×20 trade show displays for more information.

The tradeshow was very helpful for me as I was looking for some new providers for some of the products I use. I was able see the products to make educated decisions on which vendors to choose. Sometimes it was a very difficult choice as several vendors had very high quality products at similar price points. In this case I am going to order studio samples from each to see how their service performs. Some of the companies were giving out free bottled water made by Custom Water which I thought was a lovely idea. I don’t know much about marketing but I saw lots of people walking round with custom water bottles!

I also saw several products I had wondered about after seeing them in magazines. Some were better than I expected, and others were good but had something I found that kept me from buying. I’d like to maybe have my own stall here one day, when I’m more established. I’ve already been looking for things like a trade show banner supplier and planning how I would present my work; quite an exciting prospect!

The seminars and classes were overall pretty good, but there were a few that were bad and I left part way through and switch subjects. The classes covered business, techniques, Photoshop and trends. Several of the speakers I wish I could see in a smaller venue to really pick their brains as their knowledge was so incredible on the topics they discussed.

I ran into lots of other photographers that I know and it was good to get caught up on what each of them was doing. Since it was here in Phoenix I skipped the parties where a lot of the networking takes place.

Orcatek Photography – Phoenix

Valentines Day is Coming

Welcome back to my blog. I hope you all had a safe and enjoyable holiday.

Even though Valentines Day is over a month away, it is a good time to start thinking about giving photographs as a gift. Regardless of whether you choose to have photos printed, or you opt for a personalised git like my photo socks, it would definitely be worth getting something sorted soon. Between scheduling, select proofs and production of your gift, it does take some time for the process. For a humorous mix of romance and photography for valentines, look into these photo boxers, an undeniably unique and funny gift.

Of course boudoir and glamour photographs are very popular for lovers. These special photographs are a gift that is always well received. There are so many options within this area that your photographer can help you choose the perfect package to fit your needs.

But Valentines need not be limited to boudoir and glamour. Traditional portraits also make a wonderful gift. Everyone wants a nice photo of that special person in their lives. A professional portrait is a great way to say “I love you.” If you’re wanting to show a little more effort also, you could look into getting your photographs taken and use the photos to create personalized bobbleheads as another unique gift for your spouse, capturing a loving moment using a different medium.

And couples portraits are also a great idea. A photograph of the two of you showing your love for each other in your eyes will make you both feel great each time you look at it.

So don’t miss out and book your with your photographer soon.

Orcatek Photography – Phoenix

Enjoy the Holidays

Category : photography

With the holidays upon us, I am taking a break to spend time with family and friends.  I hope you can do the same.  I’ll be back in January with some new and interesting topics.


Happy Holidays


Orcatek Photography – Phoenix

The quest for the perfect camera to make you great

Every few months a new camera hits the market. Whether its a DSLR or even a home security camera for sale, cameras are very popular. The Canon fans are all going on about how the new super duper camera is the best thing. Then Nikon comes out with their new camera and “one ups” Canon. Back and forth it goes. The wonders of the digital age create new “must have” cameras constantly. You can purchase new camera equipment over at the Edmund Optics website.

More pixels, gotta have more pixels, at least 50 megapixels. No you fool, the only thing that counts is sensor size. Must be full frame. Are you kidding, noise is what counts. You have to have no visible noise at ISO 53200. Wrong again, its dynamic range that counts, you have to have 24-bits. You know your eyes can’t see that well, but it helps it post processing.

Hey wait, let us do video too. Video at full resolution, not this crappy HD stuff they are pushing now. You must have 30fps at full resolution and you will have the ultimate sports camera. You will never miss a shot and leave your competition in the dust.

The cure for bad photographer is a better camera. The reason you don’t get those great shots is your camera. It must be the problem. If you had a better camera you could have gotten that shot, but your camera just couldn’t cut it. Next year you will get a new camera and your photographs will get so good. It doesn’t have to cost you the earth to keep yourself up to date either, as you can wait a little while then just buy them secondhand from places like So many people forget that this is an option, and it can save you a lot of money.

Ultimately, there is no denying that there is so much choice out there that deciding which camera is best for your needs can seem overwhelming. That being said, it is important to remember that there are some fantastic online review websites like that can make deciding which camera to buy a little easier. Whenever I need any new camera equipment I always like to read through plenty of reviews first to make sure that I am making the right choice. It is no secret that camera equipment can be expensive and so reading reviews about the products that interest you can help you to decide how to spend your money.

But what about those other photographers using their 4+ year old camera bodies that keep winning awards. How do they do it? I’ve even seen award winning photographs taken with a camera phone. It must all be Photoshop. They are using all kinds of expensive plug-ins and fancy techniques that take thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours to create those photographs. You know, you’ve seen them in magazines. They do magic.

So do you really need a new camera to be a better photographer? Is that the solution? Nikon, Canon, Sony and the rest want you to think so. After all, that’s how they make their money. How do you make yours? I make mine taking photographs.

Orcatek Photography – Phoenix

Secrets from Glamour Photography

I am going to let you in on a little secret about glamour photography.  The women you see in these magazines don’t really look like that.  In fact if you saw a lot of them walking down the street you might not even realize it was them.  Most are not the perfect example of the human form their photographs show them to be.


They have imperfect skin with blemishes, pock marks, scars and stretch marks.  And yes they even have the bane of so many women, cellulite.  Their chests may be lopsided, their tummies a bit too big, their rear ends not quite the right shape.  Yet in their photographs they look perfect.


This is achieved thru many different techniques.  Some are addressed through photographic make-up.  This is make-up is typically more than a person would wear on a typically evening out.  This make-up is put on to cover problems and enhance features.  But it goes beyond your typical application, as the photographer wants the end result to be flawless.  Techniques such as airbrushing are used which are well beyond what your average women does.


Next comes lighting of the person.  Lights can be used to create or hide curves.  It can be used to fill in line on the face and reduce bags under the eyes.  A favorite light is called the beauty dish.  It is used to fill the face with light and as a result hides so many imperfections.   Shadows can be created to enhance a curve here and there or shadows can be filled with light to reduce the a curve.


Posing is also critical.  A twist here, an odd angle there and viola, her body looks amazing.  Often these are positions that are not comfortable or even one a person would consider in day to day life.  Yet these poses make the best look better and hide those little imperfections that we all seem to have.  Sometimes we just need to get rid of the little extra under the chin, or maybe our rear is a bit flatter than we like.  A skilled photographer will be able to pose you to achieve the look you want.


And lastly the magazines resort to Photoshop to change anything that was not addressed by the above techniques.  Your photographer will use know what will be done in Photoshop before he takes the picture.  Photoshop is a time consuming way to change photographs, so professionals will work on getting the shot as close to perfect in camera first.  Then and only then will they rely on Photoshop to handle what could not be done on set.


The key to getting the photographs you want is to be honest and tell the photographer what you would like to see in your final photographs.  As beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so what you want and what the photographer thinks are often very different.  I have had many a client want to reduce or enlarge areas that I would have never considered, but since we discussed it prior to the shoot the client got the results that they loved.


Orcatek Boudoir and Glamour Photography – Phoenix

Giving Back – Portraits for those in need

It is the time of year when so many enjoy so much, but there are those who struggle to even put food on the table.  For those families a professional photograph is something they can never even consider.  So I am reaching out to photographers to find charities and services in your area that help the needy. 


Work with them to set-up a free portrait session for these families and give them a gift that will be able to treasure.  I’ve done this in the past and the families are so very happy to get the photographs.   A print package can be created that will not be too expensive for you to create. 


In the past I have approached local labs and have gotten them to help with the actual printing costs for some of these charities.


Another option is to give discounts to your clients for bringing in donations for a local food bank.  Your clients will tend to be very generous.  With the need be even higher than usual this year, every little bit that people can do will help.


There are plenty of other ways you can use your photography business to help others.  Be creative and find a way to do something extra this year for someone who needs a little extra.


We are all very lucky to have this amazing career as photographers.  In today’s economy more and more people are facing very grim futures.  So be sure to find a way to give to others through any way you can. 



Orcatek Portrait Photography – Phoenix


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